For the first time, 48 years after the first manned mission landing on the moon, it is possible to explore the International Space Station (ISS) in 360 degree imagery from Google Maps and Earth.
This is the first Street View collection with annotations, a feature previously only available for Google Arts & Culture museums. People are invited to tour all 15 modules of the ISS and see clear and useful annotations highlighting things like the astronauts where the astronauts work out to stay physically fit, what kind of food they eat, and where they do scientific experiments.
“In the six months that I spent on the International Space Station, it was difficult to find the words or take a picture that accurately describes the feeling of being in space. Working with Google on my latest mission, I captured Street View imagery to show what the ISS looks like from the inside, and share what it’s like to look down on Earth from outer space.” said Thomas Pesquet, Astronaut at the European Space Agency (ESA).
The size of the space station is very big and to capture images of it in 360 was the only solution to represent it how it was.
“It is a fantastic opportunity for everyone to fly with us and to experience the incredible feeling of being in space” Added Pesquet.
The ISS is an international Space Station, it has been the home to astronauts from around the world. It has been built by several countries and hosts Astronauts from United States, Japan, Russia and Europe. It has been launched by Russian Proton and Soyuz rockets, and American Space Shuttle in 1998.
It is actually possible to see the Space Station from Earth as it is at 220 miles from our planet. 220 miles is considered in low Earth Orbit. It can be seen with naked eyes.
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